An overview of our projects

Editorial cartoonists have the ability to condense complex issues into a single image. An image that makes you think about the world around you. We work with international media, but also with universities, museums, NGOs and international bodies like the United Nations to produce cartoons on a range of issues, from climate change to human rights.

Education Cannot Wait

2024 - UNICEF
Education Cannot Wait is the UNICEF-hosted global fund dedicated to supporting access to quality inclusive education for children caught in the world’s worst humanitarian crises. To support the global advocacy campaign #AfghanGirlsVoices our cartoonists made cartoons to raise awareness about the plight of Afghan girls who are not allowed to go to school.

Cartoons for human rights

2024 - Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN
In 2018, we did a project together with the UN, creating cartoons about the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As a kick-off for the Netherlands' three-year membership in the Human Rights Council, a re-issue of the booklet is now available, with a lot of updated cartoons to reflect more diversity.

Media freedom cartoon competition

2024 - Western Balkans cartoon competition & exhibition
Media freedom is a vital component of a functioning democracy. Reliable reporting and investigative journalism inform citizens about what is going on in society and inside government, forming the basis of a healthy public debate. Cartoonists, who use their pencils to hold power accountable and to expose injustice, power abuse and corruption, cannot do their work without this freedom.

Climate and inequality

2023 - Cartoon Movement
In this project, we provide a space for cartoonists to draw about inequality, extreme wealth and dire poverty, and the consequences of unbridled greed for our planet and its fragile climate and ecosystem.

Cartoon Movement US

2023 - Cartoon Movement
In May 2023, Cartoon Movement expanded its activities to the United States. On May 3, we took over the activities of American syndicate CartoonArts International, providing content for the political cartoon categories formerly provided by CartoonArts, on GoComics.

Humanitarian journalists

2022 - University of East Anglia
We are partnering with the University of East Anglia to create a series of cartoons to promote an upcoming book about humanitarian journalists. The cartoons will help illustrate and summarize the key themes and issues addressed by the book.

Exhibition: Framing the War

2022 - Sound and Vision media museum The Hague
Together with media museum Sound and Vision The Hague and Dutch press agency ANP, we organized an exhibition of international press photos and editorial cartoons, chronicling the first 100 days of the invasion of Ukraine. The documentary photography and satirical cartoons combine to paint a unique picture of the conflict. They invite you as a visitor to take a critical look at coverage of the war: what do I know and what do I see, and how important and how influential are the makers of the images?

Not by chance, but choice

While the wealth of very few soars, inequality not only affects us all, it kills
Billionaires are making fortunes off the pain and suffering of ordinary people around the world. As the world is reeling from multiple ongoing crises, from COVID-19 and the climate crisis, to emergencies around the world that are deepening the global economic crisis. As inflation bites, inequality is skyrocketing, hurting us all–in fact, a quarter of a billion more people could be pushed into poverty in 2022. Together with Oxfam International, we're inviting our artists to join us in bringing the issue to broader audience, through cartoons.

Comics journalism - Hustling day in Silicon Savannah

2022 - London School of Economics and Political Science
'Silicon Valley rocks!' says one of the characters of our story. Well, not for everybody. With over 56 fintech firms and around eight digital taxi platforms, Kenya’s digital ecosystem is breeding local entrepreneurs and luring foreign investors. Yet, the hype conceals a more nuanced picture. Some people have found a way to use digital technologies to their advantage; others feel betrayed by digital platforms that promised them better pay and more freedom. This cartoon is made in partnership with the Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, LSE.

Just speak!

2022 - Cartoon competition

Justice for all can only be reached if we have the freedom to express ourselves in fair and peaceful communities that leave no one behind. A focus on justice is necessary in solving all conflicts. Think about how to mitigate climate change, create gender equality, fight hunger, strengthen peace processes, battle fake news and tackle health issues. These are conflicts that can only be solved if we work together in an open, inventive and inclusive way.

Comics journalism - Farming in Kenya

2021 - London School of Economics and Political Science

Together with the London School of Economics and Political Science we made a comic about the future of farming in Kenya. The project was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

The story features young and old farmers in Kenya, representatives of old organizations that used to manage agriculture, and a (fictional) start-up that tries to convince farmers to adopt new technology to move farming into the future. The comic gives an overview of the benefits, but also the dangers, of using new technology.

Comics journalism - Fighting agrocolonialism in the Congo

2021 - University of Sheffield

This comics journalism project is a cooperation with the University of Sussex and the University of Sheffield.

The comic is based on field research conducted around the Feronia palm oil plantation in Tshopo province in north-east DR Congo as part of a British-Academy funded project on “environmental defenders and atmospheres of violence” (SDP2/100278) hosted by the University of Sussex. The research was carried out by researchers from the Université Catholique du Graben, the University of Sheffield and the Organisation Congolaise des Ecologistes et Amis de la Nature (OCEAN).