Cartoon Movement is an online platform bringing together professional editorial cartoonists from all over the world, offering daily perspectives on what is happening in the world. Subscribe to our daily cartoon.
A global platform for editorial cartoons and comics journalism
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On November 7, CM editor Tjeerd Royaards will be on a panel about cartoons and populism at the World Forum for Democracy 2024 in Strasbourg with Turkish cartoonist Zehra Ömeroğlu (currently facing trial in Turkey for one of her cartoons), Italian cartoonist Emanuele Del Rosso and all-round humor expert Alberto Godioli (Associate Professor at the University Groningen).
Thanks Bettina and Patrick
Zionism needs to be crushed, for the sake of humanity, and to the benefit of Jews firemost. Use your talent for something other than obvious insipid propaganda.
I hope so.
35 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, America elects a President who only thinks about building more others... Great cartoon.
Grandioser Cartoon.