
Carlos AMORIM was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, in 1964. He started to publish his works in 1984 at Pasquim, an humoristical newspaper. Actually he publishes his editorial cartoons, caricatures and comics strips in many brazilian newspapers and magazines. He produced humour texts (1994) and animations (2004) for the television net RedeGlobo and he is author of a cartoon book Canastra Suja (1991).
His works was awarded in many events as Salão Internacional de Humor/ 2004 (Teresina/ Brasil), Prêmio Internacional de Humor Gráfico Peloduro/ 2004 (Minas- Uruguai), Ranan Lurie Cartoon Awards/2001 (New York- EUA), Turismovision/2001 (Stuttgart - Alemanha), Festival AcquavivaNeiFumetti /1999 (Acquaviva Picena-Italia), International Cartoon Exhibition /1998 (Hokkaido-Japão), BienalInternacional de Humor/1995 (Havana-Cuba) and participated in several humour contests and exhibitions in France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, México, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Italia, Cuba and Japan.
He had individual exhibitions in Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/1999 (Rio de Janeiro-Brasil), Museu do Ingá/1993 (Niterói-Brasil) and in 1997 participated as a Jury member of the III Biennial of International Cartoon Exhibition (Tehran-Iran). In 2004 participated as a Jury member (by Internet) of the Obeid Zakani International Cartoon Contest (Tabriz-Iran). In 2004 and 2007 he was invited to participated in the RencontreInternationale du Dessin de Presse (Carquefou-France).
Ilustrated many children books and teaches Cartoon and Caricatures since 1994 (Rio de Janeiro-Brasil).

Email: amorimcartoons@gmail.com