
Jean-Baptiste Zappetti aka Zap, born on December 26, 1977, Colmar, France.

With a background in Plastic Arts at the Aix-en-Provence University, I try in my work as a press cartoonist, practiced as a self-taught artist since 2016, to mix drawing and photographic art with the only watchword: realism, realism love. Affiliated with Le Coq des Bruyères, France-Cartoons and The Cartoon Movement, I've published a few works with European news website Voxeurop, participated in the international flashmob of caricatures and drawings "War in Ukraine" for the Ukrainian parliamentary newspaper Голос України (Voice of Ukraine). Participated in traveling exhibitions organized by the Le Crayon association, as well as in traveling exhibitions linked to the Women, Life, Freedom international movement organized in partnership with La Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, Femmes Solidaires at the Bibliothèque Universitaire du Creusot, in Switzerland and at the CESE, Palais d'Iéna, Paris...

Mail: zappetti.jean-baptiste@orange.fr
Blogspot: https://zap-press-cartoon.blogspot.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-baptiste-zappetti-9033b827b
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zapdessindepresse
X: https://x.com/zapdessins