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The end of the "butcher of Tehran"

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1 Comment

I will explain for those who do not know. There was a group in Iran called the Mojahedin Khalq group. They could not come to power after the Islamic revolution of Iran, so they started assassinating people and after the conflict with the Islamic government, they were forced to go outside of Iran. Rajavi, the leader of the Mujahideen, took them to Iraq, but many members of the Mujahideen group were arrested and imprisoned by the government. After the start of the Iran-Iraq war, the People's Mujahideen helped Saddam to overthrow the Iranian government. Imagine that they were Iranians, but they helped Saddam to kill Iranians. The People's Mojahedin killed a total of more than 17 thousand Iranian civilians. In the final years of the war, a temporary peace was established between Iran and Iraq. But it was actually a cover. Saddam strengthened the People's Mojahedin with various equipment and then the Mojahedin army attacked Iran. At the same time, with the order of Rajavi, the members of the People's Mujahideen who were inside Iran started rioting. Note that the Islamic Republic had done them a favor and only imprisoned them while they were criminals and murderers. However, the People's Mojahedin rioted in Iran's prisons and many of them escaped and caused other prisoners to escape as well. On that day, they did not stop their crime and killed some ordinary people as well. In the end, Martyr Sayad Shirazi defeated the Mojahedin army in "Morasad" operation. Inside the country, the Mujahideen rebellion was suppressed and after holding a fair trial, "President Ebrahim Raisi", who was a judge at that time, sentenced the Mujahideen who had been favored by the government, but who rebelled again, to death. they did

If you call Ebrahim Raisi a butcher today, remember that you are actually supporting the terrorist group that committed many crimes in Iran and Iraq and caused the death of more than 20,000 people in these two countries.

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