Cartoon Movement is an online platform bringing together professional editorial cartoonists from all over the world, offering daily perspectives on what is happening in the world. Subscribe to our daily cartoon.
A global platform for editorial cartoons and comics journalism
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One of the latest additions to our platform is Tom Armstrong, a cartoonist from the UK, publishing in Private Eye Magazine and Viz magazine. He also teaches art workshops at a number of institutions. Check out his website to see more of his work.
I agree with Bettina Ross. There are many fair ways to criticize politicians, but based on many of your previous cartoons, it seems like painting those you disagree with as Nazis is common.
Thank you Fadi, my regards
I notice this is the second time you're using this appalling image. Regardless of the side one supports in the US elections, this is a crass, entirely inappropriate & offensive depiction.
New Hitler in Germany.
A legendary actor, may he rest in peace