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The Latest Trump Grift

Every time you turn around, Donald Trump is embroiled in yet another sleazy hustle. You almost have to admire the sheer volume of grifts he’s managed to churn out over the years. He started with those AI-generated NFT trading cards (which were already embarrassing enough), then dove headfirst into crypto scams, peddling Trump Bibles, and slapping his name on tacky gold sneakers. Let’s not forget the greatest hits: Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, the cringe-inducing Trump: The Board Game, and, of course, the infamous Trump University that promised to make people rich but delivered nothing but lawsuits.

But hold on, it gets worse. His latest venture isn't just a new low in tastelessness—it’s downright sketchy. Trump has now rolled out $100,000 watches, and this time, the stench of possible illegality is strong. Here's the kicker: these overpriced hunks of metal might be a loophole-laden portal to campaign finance corruption. Imagine foreign governments and America’s usual crop of oligarchs lining up to buy these gaudy wrist ornaments, essentially paying off the man while dodging all the usual oversight. Oh, and just to make sure it's all extra shady, you can pay in Bitcoin. Yes, anonymous and untraceable, because why not keep it sketchy?

What makes this scam even more ludicrous is that these luxury watches don’t even exist yet—no delivery date, no manufacturing process in place. The whole thing reeks of a last-ditch cash grab for the upcoming election, an opportunity for Trump to scoop up donations (sorry, "watch sales") before anyone notices they’re being fleeced.

For those who can’t drop six figures on a fashion statement, don't worry—Trump's also selling cut-rate fashion watches for $500 to $800. They come with cheap, mass-produced movements inside, the kind you’d expect from a mall kiosk. It’s just another way for Trump to prey on his base, selling them junk disguised as status symbols.

At best, Trump’s swindling his own supporters with tacky knockoffs. At worst, he’s using these watch sales to invite a flood of foreign and billionaire money into his coffers, all while keeping things conveniently off the books. There’s no other way to slice it—this isn’t just another Trump sideshow; it’s a potential vector for some serious corruption.

And before anyone throws out the tired "Trump derangement syndrome" excuse, stop and ask yourself: how would you react if Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or any other Democrat tried pulling this kind of stunt? You’d be foaming at the mouth.

In the end, we can only hope this is just a scam aimed at his diehard supporters, because if it’s more than that, we’re in even deeper trouble than we thought.

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